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Management / MBA: Federal government agencies

Example of recent journal articles about Government

Here is an example of peer reviewed journal articles that were recently added to the Military & Government Collection database.

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Finding articles about Federal government agencies

Many of these government resources do not show an author's name as a single person, or group of people.  In those cases, you need to name the government agency or committee that is responsible for producing each document.  There can be several groups associated with a single document.  Sometimes a document cover only shows an agency's abbreviation or acronym, while further inside the report, the complete lengthy name & governmental hierarchy of the agency is revealed.

You need to be very careful in understanding the proper way to cite these underlying reports & documents.

Gary Klein (Reference Librarian)

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Gary Klein
he / him / his
Mark O. Hatfield Library
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem, OR 97301
Willamette University

Willamette University Libraries

Mark O. Hatfield Library
900 State Street.
Salem Oregon 97301
Pacific Northwest College of Art Library
511 NW Broadway.
Portland Oregon 97209