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Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. You can customize Google Scholar to recognize Willamette-owned materials (visit our Google Scholar page for more info).
EconLit with Full Text provides access to 400 scholarly journals of economics, business economics, social economics, income distributions, and monetary controls from around the world. Covers both theoretical and applied aspects of economics and allied disciplines from the social sciences. Also includes books & book reviews, essays from multi-author books, working papers, and dissertations.
Please note that "working papers" is a type of publication this is frequently found in Economics, but they are not considered to be on par with articles found in peer reviewed journals. Journal articles have passed through more rigorous editorial reviews than working papers.
Business Source Complete provides full text access to more than 3,300 journals & trade magazines of business & management in for-profit, government and non-profit sectors. It is particularly strong in the areas of corporate efficiency and corporate responsibility as well as public utility operations (electricity, natural gas, water & sewer services). This database also provides access to industry reports and market research reports. It includes some coverage of economics, but there is a separate database called ECONLIT which provides deeper & broader coverage of Economics.