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Canvas Tutorials

Canvas tutorials for instructors

Canvas Best Practices

General Best Practices
  1. Upload course syllabus to the Syllabus tab and provide it as a downloadable file.
  2. Upload assignments to the Assignments tab with instructions and clear due dates.
  3. Enter grades when grading is complete.
  4. Use a consistent mode of communication and mention it in class.
  5. Organize course materials into modules according to content matter.
  6. Remove unused sidebar tabs.
  7. Organize homepage with instructor contact information.
  8. Utilize clear and consistent naming conventions for assignments and files.
  9. Use Open Education Resources (OER) when feasible.

Applying Canvas Common Sense to Your Course

How can you follow these guidelines to make your course more student-friendly? 


Upload course syllabus to the Syllabus tab and provide it as a downloadable file.

The syllabus is a critical document for students. It helps them manage the time they devote to your course alongside their other classes (not to mention demands outside of school). It is surprising, then, that many instructors still provide only a paper syllabus. Or a syllabus may be uploaded to Canvas but is stored in the Files menu or buried in a module. A paper syllabus cannot capture changes during the term, and it is frustrating to re-upload files every time you make an edit.

Ensure your syllabus is immediately and obviously available by posting it on the Syllabus page in Canvas


Upload assignments to the Assignments tab with instructions and clear due dates.

Your students may be juggling three or four courses in addition to yours. When assignments are correctly entered, the Canvas Calendar enables them to view upcoming tasks and deadlines for multiple courses at once and set up notifications from a weekly overview of assignments to text message alerts for due dates. They can then plan and prioritize all of their upcoming coursework.

Any assignment you create and publish in Assignments will populate in the Syllabus and Grades features as well. If you’re hesitant to post due dates in case they change, keep in mind it’s easy to adjust them via the assignment settings or by dragging and dropping in the calendar. A changed due date will update across all Canvas features, and students will receive a notification of the change.


Enter grades into the Grades tab when grading is complete.

Entering grades in Canvas allows students to view, monitor, and reflect upon their progress throughout the term. Without access to their grades, they are powerless to redirect their performance when needed. Entering grades in a timely manner shows that you are invested in student learning and that you expect students to be invested in their learning as well.

Student Metacognition 

Like posting your syllabus and assignment due dates, entering grades in Canvas supports students to develop the skills needed for self-regulated learning. This means they can manage their time and tasks, value the learning process and identify which learning strategies work best for success in your course. (Miller, 2014). 


Use a consistent mode of communication and mention it in class.

It’s best to communicate using the options within Canvas rather than external email. Communication options in Canvas include Announcements and Inbox (a messaging system). The Announcements page is for posting course news and updates, while Inbox is like sending email from your course.

State the communication method(s) you will use on the first day of class and stick to it. Also, instruct students to check their notification preferences. Announcements have high visibility in the course itself, but notifications must be enabled for students to know when they are posted. Both notifications and messages that are sent to students’ email addresses can be filtered into spam or junk folders. Students need to be aware of how you plan to communicate with them in order to monitor and fix any potential issues on their end.

Organize course materials into modules according to content matter.

Using Modules in Canvas to house your content provides a clear organization and structure for students. The way you sequence your modules can help students visualize the “big picture” of your course, show relationships between topics, and create a logical flow. This reduces the cognitive load on students, as they don’t have to spend time linking disconnected information together in order to understand and process it (Ambrose, 2010).

What story does your course tell? Think about how students’ progress through the term:

Demonstration module using headings

The instructor of this Bioethics course has used clear labels and names for each activity (reading, lecture, comprehension check) so students can easily get the big picture of the week and navigate the module.

  • Do you have goals, benchmarks, or expectations for each week? Organize all your content into weekly modules to help students stay on track throughout the term.
  • Is your course based around key themes? Perhaps you present various theories or approaches within your discipline or proceed chronologically through historical eras. Create a module for each distinct unit of content. For example, Module 1: ___, Module 2: ___, Module 3: ___, and so on.
  • Do you have a project-based course centered on student work? You might create a module for each project or each step in one final project.
  • All material and activities for a module—such as assignments, files and discussions—should be housed within that module. Otherwise, students can get confused or miss content.

When in doubt, reset and think from the student perspective. Use Student View in Canvas to preview how students will see your course. Ask a student, colleague, or friend if your organization makes sense to them before you develop the content.


Remove unused sidebar tabs.

Students  need to know what to do, when to do it, and  where to find it. Make your course navigation menu in Canvas clear and streamlined. Unused course navigation links can lead to a less than student-friendly experience.

Changing your course navigation menu is simple. Remove any links students won’t access. Features you’re not using, such as Discussions, Collaborations, or Conferences, should not display for them. If you are not using Files and Pages, remove those links, too; as noted above, it is best to organize content using Modules.

Organize homepage with instructor contact information.

Make the most of your Canvas course homepage to set a welcoming tone, connect with students, and provide key information to help them succeed. In addition to your contact information, you can highlight office hours, course goals, or important assignments.


Utilize clear and consistent naming conventions for assignments and files.

Establish clear naming conventions and use them throughout your entire course. Unrecognizable abbreviations are baffling; type words out completely and model the clarity you want students to use when uploading their work. For example, instead of “Ess2prmpt,” type, “Critical Analysis Essay #2 Prompt.”

Accessible file names:

Clear file names are particularly important for students using screen reader technology. Include the module number or name alongside a descriptor of what the file is. This convention can be applied across all materials and activities in the course. For example: “Week 1 – Introduction,” “Week 1 – Group Activity,” “Week 1 – Quiz.”


Use Open Educational Resources (OER) when feasible.

Did you know that the price of college textbooks increased over 1000% between 1977 and 2015? The increasing costs well outpace the overall rate of inflation in the United States, making pricey textbooks a barrier to education for many.

Luckily there are a variety of ways you can use  Open Educational Resources (OER)  and free library materials in your Canvas course.

  • Talk to a subject librarian
  • Consider public domain and fair use material: You can copy, share, and remix public domain and openly licensed material, such as those licensed through Creative Commons, to invigorate your course content. 

Willamette University

Willamette University Libraries

Mark O. Hatfield Library
900 State Street.
Salem Oregon 97301
Pacific Northwest College of Art Library
511 NW Broadway.
Portland Oregon 97209