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Canvas Tutorials

Canvas tutorials for instructors

Quizzes Overview

Canvas Instructor Guide: QuizzesQuizzes Video Tutorial | Canvas Instructor Guide: New Quizzes • New Quizzes Video Tutorial

Canvas "Quizzes" are intended for assignments that are intended for ONLINE evaluations, and can be used for quizzes, exams, or ungraded surveys. If your quiz or exam is taken on paper, use the Assignments tool instead, and set the submission type to "no submission" or "on paper."

Survey tip: if the quiz tool doesn't have the type of survey question features you'd like (for example, a range of values as response options, or checkboxes), consider using Google Forms! You can link a Google Form survey to your course several different ways, like adding it to a module as an external URL item, or linking to it from a Canvas Page.

New Quizzes: at this point New Quizzes should be working properly and have the same features as Classic Quizzes. New Quizzes are created and managed within the Quizzes tool in Canvas. Instructors can choose various options to make the quiz available for a specific date and time, set a time limit for students to complete the quiz, and allow or disallow multiple attempts.


Classic Quizzes are created and managed within the Quizzes tool in Canvas. Instructors can choose various options to make the quiz available for a specific date and time, set a time limit for students to complete the quiz, and allow or disallow multiple attempts.


To create a classic quiz in Canvas, the instructor must first create the quiz and select the type of questions they want to include. They can add instructions for the quiz, as well as feedback for correct and incorrect answers. Once the quiz is created, it can be assigned to a specific group of students or made available to the entire class.

Quiz Types
  1. Practice Quizzes: These quizzes allow students to practice answering questions without worrying about the score. Practice quizzes can be used to help students prepare for a graded quiz or exam.

  2. Graded Quizzes: These quizzes are used to assess students' knowledge and understanding of the course material. Instructors can set a point value for each question and specify how many attempts are allowed.

  3. Surveys: Surveys are used to gather feedback from students about the course or instructor. Surveys can be created using a variety of question types, such as multiple-choice, rating scale, and open-ended questions. Surveys can be graded or ungraded. 

Question Types

Classic quizzes in Canvas offer several types of questions that instructors can use to create assessments:

  1. Multiple Choice: This question type presents students with a question and several answer choices, of which only one is correct.

  2. True/False: This question type presents students with a statement and asks them to choose whether it is true or false.

  3. Fill-in-the-Blank: This question type presents students with a sentence or phrase with one or more missing words, which students must fill in correctly.

  4. Matching: This question type presents students with two columns of items, which they must match correctly.

  5. Essay: This question type allows students to provide a free-form response to a question, in which they can demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a topic in greater depth.

  6. Numeric: This question type asks students to enter a numeric value as an answer.

  7. Multiple Answers: This question type presents students with a question and several answer choices, of which more than one may be correct.

  8. Dropdown: This question type presents students with a question and a dropdown list of answer choices, from which they must choose the correct one.


Instructors can choose to include any combination of these question types in a classic quiz, and can customize the point values and feedback for each question.

Fudge Points

instructors can adjust the final grade of a quiz using SpeedGrader's fudge points feature to add or remove points. 


Grading by question in New Quizzes

SpeedGrader gives you the option to grade by question (as opposed to by student) so that you grade all answers to one question, then move on to the next. 

HOWEVER, if you choose to grade this way you MUST be sure to click the "Update" button after grading each student's answer to save your grading progress!!!!

Learn more about how to use this feature in Canvas's documentation: Grade By Question in SpeedGrader for New Quizzes.


Quiz Accommodations

Canvas gives you the ability to set up accommodations you may need for some of your students.

New Quizzes (recommended)
Classic Quizzes


Grading Schemes

Grading schemes in Canvas are a feature that allows instructors to customize the grading scale used in their courses. Grading schemes provide flexibility in how grades are assigned and can help to better align grading with course objectives and student performance. Grading schemes can be viewed in course settings.


Grading schemes in Canvas can be based on a variety of criteria, such as letter grades, percentage ranges, or point values. Instructors can customize the grading scheme to reflect their course objectives and desired grading scale.


Instructors can add a grading scheme for a course. Only one grading scheme can be used in a course.


Question Banks and Item Banks

Question banks and item banks in Canvas are tools that allows instructors to create and store sets of questions that can be used in Classic Quizzes, New Quizzes, and Surveys. Question and item banks provide a convenient way to organize and manage large numbers of questions, making it easier for instructors to create assessments and surveys that are relevant to their course objectives.

HOWEVER, it is important to note that question banks are for Classic quizzes, while item banks are for New quizzes. If you are building a quiz using the New quizzes tool and want to create a bank, use item banks. You can transfer question bank questions into item banks, but it is a multi-step process.


Creating Video Quizzes Using Kaltura

Kaltura gives you the ability to create quizzes by embedding questions within a video. As a student watches the video, it will pause and provide a question that they must answer before they move on (you may have experienced this format in video trainings you have done). 

You have the option to upload a video that you want to embed questions in, or to create video using the Kaltura recording tools in My Media. 

Note: Even though you are creating a quiz, you will create an Assignment in Canvas.

Directions are available below in both video and written format.

Step 1. Creating a Quiz

You can create a quiz from your My Media folder, or by following these steps as you create a Canvas assignment. I will demonstrate the process by creating a quiz from the My Media folder, then embedding it in a Canvas Assignment.

First, create a video in My Media or upload a video to your My Media folder. 

Locating My Media

Open My Media and click the "Add New" button in the top right corner of the page, then select "Video Quiz" from the dropdown menu.

Creating a new video quiz

Select a video from your My Media collection. This will open a video editing window. Select a timestamp where you want to add a question, then click the blue "+ Add a Question" button on the video screen. You will be given several different types of questions to choose. 

Embedding a question

Note: if you create a True/False question be sure that the green check appears next to the correct answer.

Sample embedded true/false question

Once you have finished adding questions. Click the blue "Done" button at the top right of the screen. If you want to edit questions or add more, click the blue "Edit Quiz" button that appears at the top of the quiz page. 

Locating the edit options in a video quiz

The edit page gives you several different settings that cam be adjusted in terms of details, scoring, and experience (allowing the viewer to change or skip answers).

Editing Kaltura quiz settings

You will be able to view and edit your Kaltura quizzes anytime by navigating to your My Media folder.

Step 2. Creating a Quiz Assignment in a Course

First, navigate to the course where you want to use your Kaltura Quiz. 

Next, create an Assignment by clicking on the Assignments tab or by creating an Assignment within a module. 

Note: You are going to create a Canvas Assignment, NOT a Quiz!

Type any directions you want to include on the Assignments page in the rich content editor box. Adjust the "points," "Assignment Group," and "Display Grade as" fields according to your preferences. For Submission Type, select "External Tool" from the dropdown menu.

Click the "Find" button and select "In Video Quiz Kaltura" from the menu. 

Selecting the external tool

The next screen will allow you to select your pre-made quiz, or create a new Kaltura quiz (follow the steps from step 1 if you want to create a Kaltura quiz from scratch).

Using the external tool

Set your "Submission Attempts" field, Assignment group, due date, availability date range, and click the red "Save" button at the bottom of the page. 

The student view of your quiz will show an embedded video on the Assignment page, along the lines of the screenshot below. 

Student view of the quiz in the assignment page

Kaltura automatically creates a column in the gradebook, and should grade the assignment for you. You can adjust the grade either by going into SpeedGrader or the gradebook.

New entry created in Canvas gradebook

Tech support: For technical assistance, start a ticket with WITS 

Brainstorming: For ideas on how to use tools in your course, contact the DLS

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