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Canvas Tutorials

Canvas tutorials for instructors

Here are tips and instructions for a variety of actions you may want to use in your courses. 

Duplicating Materials

You can duplicate all materials in Canvas, including modules. You an save yourself time by creating a basic module that acts as a template, duplicating it, and then editing the materials inside each module as needed.

Duplicating Modules

This allows you to create a basic module that you can reuse throughout your course. For example, you may want to create a module for each class period or week. You an save yourself time by creating a basic module that acts as a template, duplicating it, and then editing the materials inside each module as needed. The duplication process creates a copy of almost everything in the module (pages, assignments, etc) – Classic Quizzes are the exception, and modules that contain Classic Quizzes can NOT be duplicated.

NOTE: Modules that contain quizzes can NOT be duplicated. I recommend creating duplicates of your modules, then adding quizzes in afterwards. 

To duplicate a module:

  1. Click on the three dots at the right in the module bar.
  2. Select "Duplicate" from the drop down menu. This will create a duplicate of everything in your module.
  3. Rename your module.
  4. Modify or delete the materials in your new module, or add materials to the new module.

Duplicating Materials
  1. Navigate to one of the pages that shows you a list of materials (Modules, Pages, Discussions, Assignments, Quizzes).
  2. Click on the three dots at the right in the title bar of the item you want to duplicate. 
  3. Select "Duplicate" from the drop down menu.
  4. Rename and modify your new item.

To export a Canvas course, see the directions on Canvas's online documentation: How do I export a Canvas course?

Formatting Images

It may be useful to create a page with images for your course. To demonstrate this, I will be inserting images into a study guide for an art history course. 

1. In the text box, place your cursor where you want the image to be located.

Identifying where an image will be placed

2. Locate the image icon in the tool bar above the text box.

Locating the insert image icon

3. Select the location you are drawing your image from. For this example, I selected "Course Images" to choose from one of the images I had uploaded to the course files. This opens a new side menu on the right with any images you have available.

Image selection menu

4. Click on the image you want to insert. Once the image appears in your text box, it may be an inconvenient size. You can resize your image a few different ways. The easiest is to click on the image and drag the corners when the image highlights in blue. Alternatively, you can resize the image by clicking on it. A tooltip that says "Image Options" will appear. Click this to open a new side menu.

Image options tooltip

5. The Image Options menu at the right will give you several ways to resize your image, including pixels, percentage of the view screen width, and custom. 

Resizing options in the Image Options menu

6. You may want to experiment with these options. For this example I selected Custom and chose the Medium size. 

Selecting a custom image size

7. Your image will appear in its new resized format. Be sure to click "Save" at the bottom of the page to see your page with images!

formatted images in page

Creating Groups, Sections, and Targeting Assignments and Announcements

Canvas gives you the ability to create groups of students within your course called group sets or sections, depending on the type of course you have.

Once you have your sections created, you can send announcement to all sections (this is the default setting), or choose to send the announcement only to selected sections. Do this by selecting the sections you want to target from the dropdown menu in the "Post to" part of the Announcement creation page.

Selecting a section for an announcement


You can use Canvas's Inbox to message individual students or entire classes.

What is the Inbox? | Canvas Instructor Guide: How do I use the Inbox as an Instructor?

Revealing Material through Module Requirements

You may want to provide students with material only after they have completed an assignment. For example, you may assign an essay and want students to access answers or tips after they have submitted their essay. You can achieve this using module requirements. 

First, click on the three dots at the far right in the module box to reveal the dropdown menu of actions and select "Edit."

Adding requirements to a module

Next, adjust the requirements for the module. Be sure to check the box "Students must move through requirements in sequential order" – this controls the way students access the materials.

Canvas module requirements modal

Be sure to click the red "Update Module" button to save your changes! Now when a student looks at the module they can see that they must complete all items in the module, but they can only access the certain items. Below, the first page in the module appears with black text, while the rest of the items are grayed out. As a student completes each item, the next item in the module list is unlocked for them. 

The student view for a module with requirements

You can access the student view of Canvas to double-check that modules' requirements are set correctly. Do this by clicking the "Student View" button at the top right of any page in Canvas. 

Canvas student view button

Adding LibGuides to Modules

If you have worked with a librarian to create a LibGuide for your course, you can embed the guide directly into your course modules. 

1. Click the "+" button in the module title bar.

2. Scroll down to the bottom of the pop-up modal. Enter the URL and Page name of the LibGuide you want to add to your module. You can choose to load the guide in a new window by checking the box labeled "Load in a new tab." If you do not check this box, the LibGuide will appear directly in a Canvas page. 

Adding a LibGuide to a module

3. Click the "Add Item" button.

4. Be sure to publish the Lib Guide!

Media Recording & Uploads

Canvas allows you to record videos directly within the LMS, and you can upload files that you create elsewhere. Please refer to the Canvas LTI Tools page within this LibGuide for details. 

  • Any media that you uploaded to Kaltura through WISE is available to you in your My Media folder in Canvas.

Viewing all of a Student's Grades at Once

If you want to look at one student's grades over the course of a semester, navigate to the gradebook for that course. 

Click on the student's name in the gradebook

Click on the student's name. This will open a side window on the right. Click on the "Grades" button.

Select the Grades button in the right-side pop-out menu

This will open a window that lists all of the assignments in the course. You can see the points this student has received so far, and by scrolling to the bottom of the page you can see their cumulative grade.

To view their response to any specific assignment, just click on the name of that assignment. This will open their submission for that assignment.

Student submission to an assignment

Using the Gradebook to Export Student Lists

You should be able to access your lists of enrolled students from SAGE, however, you can also export class lists using Canvas. 

1. Open the Gradebook for the course you want.

2. In the upper right corner, click the "Export" dropdown menu. Select the option you want. 

Exporting a Canvas list of students

3. This list will download as a .csv file. You can open it using Excel or another spreadsheet program. From this point you can copy whatever information you want and reformat it. 

Using .csv Files to Create Assignments in the Gradebook

If your class involves repeated in-class assignments like workbook page, you may prefer to create assignments through a .csv file. This allows you to bypass creating assignments in Canvas. Instead, you download a spreadsheet, open it with a program like Excel or Google Sheets, and create columns for assignments. You would then track the grades in your spreadsheet. After each assignment, you are able to save your spreadsheet as a .csv file and re-upload it to Canvas, thus keeping your grades up-to-date for your students. You can use Canvas-created and .csv-created assignments with each other in the same course. 

Videos demonstrating the process can be found below the written directions.

To create the initial .csv file, navigate to the course gradebook. It does not matter if you have already created assignments in Canvas or not. Click on the "Export" button at the top right corner of the page, and select "Export Entire Gradebook."

Exporting the gradebook csv file

Canvas will create a .csv file that downloads to your computer. Open the file, which should look something like the image below (shown in Excel). 

Sample gradebook csv file open in Excel

Add columns for your desired assignments following the directions on this Canvas help page. Then import the file back into Canvas. Your new assignments should appear in the gradebook!

Sharing Resources on Canvas Commons

If you create resources that you want to share with others, you can upload them to Canvas Commons. These can be individual resources like pages, quizzes, modules, or even entire courses. 

You can also share Item Banks, but if you share an item bank with another Canvas user, you must ALSO share the item bank with the course they will be using it for. See the detailed steps on Canvas's support site – note that you must follow BOTH sets of steps to share with a User AND a Course!

Embedding Google Files and Calendars

You can add Google files and calendars to modules as module items, and you can embed Google files and calendars anywhere you have access to the rich content editor box, like Canvas Pages or Assignments. 

Please see the step-by-step directions on this page:

Embedding Videos

You can embed videos from many different sources in your courses. See the Using Images & Videos in Canvas page for specific directions.

Buttons and Styling

Willamette's Canvas team has provided you with some optional templates for course pages. Some of these, like the sample page below, have styled elements like buttons and sections with colored backgrounds. You can create or edit these elements by copying and pasting from the sample pages using the Rich Content Editor (default content editing box) or the code editor if you are comfortable with HTML.

  • You should be able to find sample buttons in the unpublished module called "Templates for your course," or something similar, on a page called "Template: Optional Buttons."
  • Below, the rich content editor method will be covered first, followed by the HTML code editor method.

Canvas styling demo page with buttons and colored background

Rich Content Editor (no HTML)

Buttons linking to a Canvas Page within a Course

The sample page has buttons leading to the Syllabus Page and Modules Page. To create a button that leads to a Canvas page, open a page with a sample button and click the "Edit" button in the top right corner. 

The buttons will now appear as links. To adjust the button once you have pasted it to a new page, highlight or hover over the link and click the "Link Options" side of the button that appears. 

Link options button

This will bring up the "Edit Course Link" side menu. This menu allows you to change the text that appears in the button, and to select a new destination page within your course. Click the "Replace" button at the bottom of the menu and your button will be updated. 

Edit course link menu


Buttons linking to external sites

The sample page I am using has a button leading to an external site (in this case the Metropolitan Museum of Art).

To create a button like this, open a page with a sample button to an external site and click the "Edit" button in the top right corner. 

The button will now appear as a link. To adjust the button once you have pasted it to a new page, highlight or over over the link and click the "Link Options" side of the button that appears. 

Link options button

This will open the "Link Options" side menu. From here you can update the button's text and enter the new URL for your new destination.

Link options menu

Click the "Done" button at the bottom of the menu and you will see the updated button (in this case, redirecting to Willamette's homepage).

Canvas demo page with buttons and colored background, updated external link button

As always, remember to click the "Save" button when you are finished creating or making changes to a page!

Code Editor (HTML)

If you are comfortable with HTML (or would like to start playing with HTML), you can access Canvas's built-in code editor. Choose a page to edit and click the "Edit" button at the top right corner of the page. Click on the </> icon below the rich content editor box.

Now you can see the HTML code for the page.

Code editor view

If you choose to create a div with a colored background, remember to use the accessibility checker by switching back to the rich content editor and looking at the accessibility checker icon. The accessibility checker with let you know if there is sufficient contrast between the background color and text for readability. 

Buttons linking to a Canvas Page within a Course

The HTML code for the Syllabus button on the sample page is as follows:

<a class="btn btn-large btn-primary" title="Syllabus" href="" data-course-type="navigation">Syllabus</a>

The btn-primary class creates a button in Willamette's default red and white theme. Please note that each course has a number that identifies it (5315 in this case). This must be updated for navigation to work properly, so it may be easiest to copy/paste the button, adjust it using the rich content editor method described above, and then use that code for future reference.

Buttons linking to external sites

The HTML code for buttons leading to external sites is as follows:

<a class="btn btn-large btn-primary" href="">Metropolitan Museum of Art</a>

Be sure to update the URL and button text.

As always, remember to click the "Save" button when you are finished creating or making changes to a page!

Tech support: For technical assistance, start a ticket with WITS 

Brainstorming: For ideas on how to use tools in your course, contact the DLS

Willamette University

Willamette University Libraries

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900 State Street.
Salem Oregon 97301
Pacific Northwest College of Art Library
511 NW Broadway.
Portland Oregon 97209