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Fun Covid Break Activities: Events, Concerts, & More

"While we are all being impacted by restrictions related to COVID-19 and the current wildfires, there are still plenty of virtual activities to enjoy.  We hope this virtual "fun guide," a collaboration between Student Affairs, the Mark O. Hatfield Library, and other Willamette community members, helps you find interesting online activities during these difficult times."

Livestream Concerts, Events, & More

Online Board Games

Facebook Movie Party

How do I start a watch party on Facebook?
Follow these instructions.

When you start a watch party, you can watch any public videos on Facebook in real time with a group of your friends. You can create a watch party from your News Feed or timeline, in a group, on a Page, or from any video you're watching.


Missing group fitness classes or going to the gym? Here are a few options:

Drawing & Photography

There are a ton of "non-academic" videos and tutorials in Linked-In Learning. Try your hand at something you've never done or something you've always wanted to learn, such as:

Willamette University

Willamette University Libraries

Mark O. Hatfield Library
900 State Street.
Salem Oregon 97301
Pacific Northwest College of Art Library
511 NW Broadway.
Portland Oregon 97209