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Alvaro Semedo (1655)

Semedo, Alvaro, e S. M. Faria, and Martino Martini.
The History of That Great and Renowned Monarchy of China. Wherein All the Particular Provinces Are Accurately Described: As Also the Dispositions, Manners, Learning, Lawes, Militia, Government, and Religion of the People. Together with the Traffick and Commodities of That Countrey.
London: Printed by E. Tyler for Iohn Crook, 1655.

[Image of "An Exact Mapp of China"]

Johannes Nieuhof (1669)

Nieuhof, Johannes, Pieter . Goyer, and Jacob . Keizer.
An Embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham, Emperour of China: Delivered by Their Excellcies. Peter De Goyer and Jacob De Keyzer at His Imperial City of Peking ; Wherein the Towns, Villages, Ports, Rivers, &c. in Their Passages from Canton to Peking Are Ingeniously Described.
London: Printed by John Macock for the author, 1669.

[Image of an Elephant]

[Image of a Beached Whale]

Arnoldus Montanus (1670)

Montanus, Arnoldus, and John Ogilby.
Atlas Japannensis: Being Remarkable Addresses by Way of Embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Emperor of Japan : Containing a Description of their Several Territories, Cities, Temples, and Fortresses; Their Religions, Laws, and Customs; Their Prodigious Wealth, and Gorgeous Habits; the Nature of Their Soil, Plants, Beasts, Hills, Rivers, and Fountains : With the Character of the Ancient and Modern Japanners. Collected out of Their Several Writings and Journals. 
London: Printed by T. Johnson for the author. 1670.

[Image of Earthquake in Yedo (Tokyo)]

[Image of Volcanic Eruption]

Louis le Comte (1697)

Le Comte, Louis. Memoirs and Observations Topographical, Physical, Mathematical, Mechanical, Natural, Civil, and Ecclesiastical. Made in a Late Journey through the Empire of China, and Published in Several Letters. Particularly upon the Chinese Pottery and Varnishing; the Silk and Other Manufactures; the Pearl Fishing; the History of Plants and Animals. Description of Their Cities and Publick Works; Number of People, Their Language, Manners and Commerce; Their Habits, Oeconomy, and Government. The Philosophy of Confucius. The State of Christianity, with Many Other Curious and Useful Remarks. London: B. Tooke, 1697.

George Anson (1748)

Anson, George A, and Richard Walter.
A Voyage Round the World in the Years Mdccxl, I, Ii, Iii, Iv, by George Anson, Esq., Commander in Chief of a Squadron of His Majesty's Ships: Sent Upon an Expedition to the South-Seas, Comp. from Papers and Other Materials of the Right Honourable George, Lord Anson, and Published Under His Direction by Richard Walter.
London: Printed for the author, 1748. Print.

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