French word processing in the DLS
The DLS at Willamette University, in Ford 101, is a Mac lab with 7 Macs.
Each computer also has Systéme D v.6.0, a writing assistance program for French.
Microsoft Word
PC Windows XP English (United States) Keyboard
1. Typing special characters: to type special characters in Microsoft Word, you must do it in two steps. The first step involves pressing the control key plus other keys simultaneously.
The second step is typing the letter you want. Here is a chart that explains how to type the
various characters:
á - control key + " , then a
à - control key + ~ , then a
â - control key + shift + 6 , then a
é - control key + " , then e
è - control key + %7e , then e
ê - control key + shift + 6 , then e
ë - control key + shift + ; , then e
ô - control key + shift + 6 , then o
æ - control key + shift + 7 , then a
ç - control key + < , then c
2. To use the proofreading tools to proofread in French, highlight the selection you want to proofread; then, go to the "Tools" menu up at the top, go to "Language," and click on "Set language. "Select" French (France)" from the dialog box that appears. Then click on "Spelling and Grammar" under the "Tools" menu to proofread the selection.
Macs, OSX English (United States) Keyboard
á, é, í, ó, ú: option + E + a, e, i, o, u
à, è, ì, ò, ù: option + ~ + a, e, i, o, u
ä, ë, ï, ö, ü: option + U + a, e, i, o, u
â, ê, î, ô, û: option + I + a, e, i, o, u
ç: option + c
Œ: option + q
(Mac OS 9 only)
Click on the Apple in the top left of the screen.
Single click "Keycaps". A little keyboard will appear on the desktop.
Hold down the option key- the accents will apear.
Single click the accent you want.
Type the letter you want accented and it will appear in your document.
Use this website: