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EXHS 256: Research Designs...

What are some characteristics of both popular and scholarly articles?

Below are some important points of difference to consider. When finished, click on the answers tab.



Differences Between Scholarly and Popular Articles



Appear in magazines and newspapers, often with glossy or eye-catching covers.  Geared toward a broad, general audience, and articles are reviewed by professional staff editors.


Language is meant to be understood by the general population.  Tend to be shorter than academic journal articles.  May include pictures, special layouts and/or advertisements. Do not usually list references or notes. 


Good place to look for current information and events because review process is short so articles get published quickly. Also useful for getting an overview of a topic. May tell human interest stories or convey emotional responses.  




Published in subject-specific journals typically available through subscription only; won't find them in stores.  Geared towards scholars in the discipline.


Appear in subject-specific journals, and are written by and for scholars and researchers.  Typically refereed or peer-reviewed.  May include graphs, data and/or statistics about the research. Use subject-specific terminology and phrases.  Usually include a list of references or notes, and articles tend to be more lengthy.


Useful for gathering subject-specific information, research and data. Major way for scholars to communicate, and may present or review research or criticism on a given topic. Quality and reliability of the info is much greater, particularly if it is peer-reviewed.



  • Both scholarly and popular sources can be useful sources. 
  • When selecting articles, consider how you intend to use the information: 
    • Do you want background on a topic? (popular
    • Do you need reliable and well-research information? (scholarly) 
  • Often a combination of the two will be most appropriate for undergraduate research.

Image of examples of scholarly and popular journals

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