If an article is not available in full-text, click the "Find It!" button.
This will check if we have access through a different database and our print collection.
If we do not have access, you will be given an option to order it through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Fill out the form and click "Submit." It takes about 2 business days to get articles.
Empirical research is described as research where the conclusions of the study are derived from concrete, verifiable evidence rather than from theory or belief. When you are trying to determine if an an article is based on empirical research, look for signs like a section on methodology. Also, does the article mention a specific research question? Does it provide a description of the process used in the research? Does it offer a definition of the population being studied and does it mention criteria, controls, surveys, interviews, etc.?
Another way of identifying empirical research articles is to use the IMRaD method and look for the following four components:
Go to Google and search the title of the book you're interested in and add in the phrase "book review." For instance, search for: "Indian spectacle: college mascots and the anxiety of modern America" "book review." Then look through the results ignoring Pinterest, Amazon and the like and try to spot citations that look like they may lead you to a more academic source and/or a longer, more scholarly review.
Databases are how articles are indexed; indexes primarily tell you that articles exist opposed to providing the full-text of articles. These databases cover literature that is related to this subject area. The full list of WU database is available by alphabetic list or subject. There are also guides available to walk you through how to find materials.
The databases listed below provide access to articles from a variety of newspapers.
Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. You can customize Google Scholar to recognize Willamette-owned materials (visit our Google Scholar page for more info).
The databases listed below will be helpful in locating journal articles dealing with Native American issues; many of them will be useful in locating book reviews as well. Be aware that many of them will also provide citations to other materials such as books, dissertations, conference proceedings and much more.