If an article is not available in full-text, click the "Find It!" button.
This will check if we have access through a different database and our print collection.
If we do not have access, you will be given an option to order it through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Fill out the form and click "Submit." It takes about 2 business days to get articles.
These are the best databases to use when looking for articles about Education, School systems, School libraries / media centers, Students, Teaching, Teachers or School administration.
PLEASE NOTE: Willamette University login is required to access these databases.
Select the grade level that your students are in:
PLEASE NOTE: Willamette University login is required to access these databases.
The Hatfield Library provides access to over 230 databases, on a wide variety of topics, including Agriculture, Culinary arts, Gardening, Hospitality, and Nursing, even though Willamette University does not offer degrees in those subjects.
We have several ways in which you can browse the entire listing of our subscription databases: by academic disciipline; alphabetically by each database's brand name; or by keywords in the database descriptions.
You can also find all of the links to Hatfield Library's databases through the "database" tab, near the center of the library's web page: http://library.willamette.edu
PLEASE NOTE: Willamette University login is required to access these databases.