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Biosis Previews is a great beginning database for any biology-related topic because it is a general biology database! It is perfect for finding articles ranging from aquatic microorganisms to large forestry ecologies and crops to human biology.
Scopus is a major citation database for over 20,000 peer-reviewed journals. It also covers conference proceedings, select book series and trade journals, plus U.S./international patents. It features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize the world's research in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences and arts and humanities.
Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. Be sure your Google Scholar preferences include Willamette University as your library (under library links) to access Willamette-licensed content. For more customization & info visit our Google Scholar page.
These related databases will help you locate articles related to cell biology. View all of Willamette's databases by subject.
PubMed (aka Medline) provides access to over 12 million citations in life science journals. It links to some full-text articles and related resources, but mostly provides citation information. It also features a way to search for medical journal titles by abbreviation (journals titles are abbreviated in CSE format).