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Resource Guide for Non-Profits: Business Databases

How to conduct research on "Non-Profits" as well as "Not-for-profits"

Business oriented Databases

If you are researching a national organization, then you may want to look for articles published in magazines that clearly have a nationwide circulation, and a national focus.  In order to do a thorough search, you can conduct a simultaneous search of 3 magazine  & journal oriented databases through Hatfield Library’s subscription to the family of "Ebsco" databases.  

To conduct a joint search, first you need to log into one of the 3 participating databases from the Ebsco group, then move to top of the white section, and click on the blue text called "Choose Databases".  Now you mark which databases you want, then click on the blue "continue" button at the top/bottom of the database selection screen, in order to be able to work with that combination of databases with a unified search strategy.

3 databases from the EBSCO company:

  • Business Source Complete – mixture of trade magazines, professional magazines & academic business publications.  Also provides access to SWOT analyses, industry reports and company reports.  Hatfield Library recommends that for most business oriented topics, that you start off by searching the Business Source Premier database.
  • Academic Search Complete – academic oriented magazines, with some overlap of popular sources, but this database does NOT cover business, nor economics.
  • Master File Premier – popular magazines typically found in public libraries, or magazines oriented towards family & personal reading.


2 business databases that are broad spectrum in their range of focus:

  • Business Insights: Global  – mixture of trade magazines, professional magazines & academic business publications.  Also offers access to company reports, SWOT reports and industry reports compiled by Plunkett.
  • Entrepreneurship / Gale Business – although this is primarily aimed at small sized for profit businesses, the vast majority of documents from this database are also very pertinent for non-profits.


List of OTHER BUSINESS oriented databases available from Hatfield Library - over 25 databases that are most frequently used by AGSM students.

List of ALL databases available from Hatfield Library - Over 240 databases organized either by Academic departments, or Alphabetically by brand name, or by Primary focus of each database (articles, videos, newspaper, etc)

Gary Klein (librarian for AGSM)

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Gary Klein
he / him / his
Mark O. Hatfield Library
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem, OR 97301
Willamette University

Willamette University Libraries

Mark O. Hatfield Library
900 State Street.
Salem Oregon 97301
Pacific Northwest College of Art Library
511 NW Broadway.
Portland Oregon 97209