Accessing Local Newspapers in Salem, Portland & Eugene (Oregon):
Many local newspapers across the country do not participate in multi-publication indexing projects. So you have to be prepared to search local newspaper separately. And you have to go to each newspaper’s respective website. Many newspapers (such as Astoria, Oregon's The Daily Astorian) only provide free access for a very limited times pan, on a rolling basis. If a publisher says that their free access is limited to “current two weeks”, then you will not find any articles that were published 15 days ago!
Salem’s Statesmen-Journal (daily coverage of the City fo Salem as well as all of Marion & Polk counties). Full text coverage from the PROQUEST group runs from January 1999 to the present, with a 1 day delay.
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The Oregonian Newspaper (daily coverage of metro Portland - the largest daily newspaper in Oregon). Full text coverage from the NEWSBANK group runs from September 1987 to the present.
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Portland Business Journal (weekly coverage of business oriented news in metro Portland & Vancouver)
Portland Mercury (biweekly, primary focus on the city of Portland)
Portland Observer (weekly, reaching the African American and other diverse communities of the Portland and Vancouver metro area)
Portland Tribune (weekly, covering metro Portland)
Willamette Week Magazine: (primary focus on the city of Portland)
Oregon Business magazine (monthly, statewide coverage):
Use the REGIONAL BUSINESS NEWS from Hatfield Library's database collection
Oregon Newspaper Sources (access to over 30 participating daily & weekly newspapers from across Oregon, and also some college newspapers). "Access World News" provides full text coverage from the NEWSBANK family of databases with each individual newspaper having its own unique starting point & dates of coverage. This database allows you to choose from any combination of underlying sources.
Requires WU login to use this campus-wide subscription based service
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