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Canvas Tutorials

Canvas tutorials for instructors

Assignments, Discussions, Rubrics


Canvas Instructor Guide: AssignmentsAssignments Video Tutorial

Canvas allows you to create many different types of assignments, so you can choose the best format for your courses. Broadly speaking, Canvas supports five assignment types:  Quizzes, Discussions, and assignments that take online submissions (including entries into text boxes, uploaded files, and so on), external tools, and ungraded assignments. Assignments can be assigned to everyone in a course to to specific groups. When you create any type of assignment, it automatically shows up in the grade book and can be graded using the SpeedGrader tool. As an instructor, you can select an assignment type when creating an assignment shell. However, you can also create assignments within an assignment type by visiting each type's respective Index Page.


>> Be sure to set a due date when you create an assignment; when you do this, Canvas creates an entry in the To Do list on the student's Dashboard to help them track their assignments. (See directions below).

When creating an assignment in Canvas, instructors can specify the following information:

  1. Assignment name and description: This is where instructors can provide students with details about the assignment, such as its purpose, requirements, and due date.
  2. Submission type: Instructors can specify how students should submit the assignment, such as uploading a file or typing directly into a text box.
  3. Grading criteria: Instructors can specify how the assignment will be graded, including the grading scale, rubrics, or criteria for partial credit.
  4. Availability and due dates: Instructors can specify when the assignment is available to students and its due date.
  5. Assignment group: Instructors can group assignments by category, such as "quizzes," "papers," or "presentations."
  6. Assignment group set (of people): Work can be assigned to the entire class, specific students, or student group sets (learn more about group sets of people the Canvas Instructor guide).

Adding Documents to an Assignment:

You can attach documents to an assignment by clicking the Attach button and selecting the file you want to attach. You can choose from course files and/or your computer.

Editing Assignments

When editing assignments, make sure to click the notification box at the bottom of the page before saving so students receive a notification about any changes made, if necessary.

Assignment edited notification check box

Peer Review

Canvas peer review is a feature that allows instructors to enable students to review and provide feedback on each other's work.
Setting up Peer Review:

  1. Create an assignment: To enable peer review, you must first create an assignment in Canvas.
  2. Enable peer review: In the assignment details page, click on the "Peer Reviews" tab. From there, you can enable peer review and configure the settings for the review process. You can choose whether reviews are anonymous or not, how many reviews each student should complete, and the criteria for review.
  3. Assign reviewers: Once peer review has been enabled, you can assign reviewers to each submission. Canvas will automatically assign reviewers based on the settings you specified, but you can also manually assign reviewers if necessary.
  4. Review submissions: Once peer review has been completed, you can review the feedback provided by each reviewer. You can access the reviews by going to the "SpeedGrader" tab in the assignment details page. From there, you can view the original submission, the reviewer's comments, and the reviewer's score.

External Tools

Canvas features integrations for Perusall, Turnitin, and VoiceThread, which allow instructors to incorporate additional feedback and promote academic integrity.


Additionally, Canvas's analytics tools allow instructors to track student progress on assignments and identify areas where students may need additional support.

Assigning Due Dates

In order to assign a due date and set assignment availability, scroll to the bottom of the Assignment creation/editing page, to the section labeled "Assign Access." This has fields where you can set the due date and availability for the assignment. (For more detail on the difference, see the Canvas instructor guide: What is the difference between assignment due dates and availability dates?) The "Assign To" field allows you to assign work to the entire class, individual students, or specific groups of students (called group sets) that you create. Learn more about Groups in the Canvas instructor guide.

Assigning Access section

Allowing or Restricting Late Assignments

When you create or edit an assignment you can set limits on how many times a student can submit an assignment under the "Submission Attempts" section. 

You set the assignment due date in the "Assign" section at the bottom of the page. In this section you also set when an assignment is available to students. Be sure to enter a date in the "Available from" box, or students will not be able to make a submission. If you do not want to allow late assignments, enter the submission cut off date in the "Until" box.

Canvas assignment sections about submission attempts and assignment dates

Using Turnitin on Assignments

Turnitin can be used to generate similarity reports, and is built into WU's instance of Canvas. Learn more about how to use it on the Turnitin page of this guide

Ungraded and Graded Discussions

Discussions allow students and instructors to create posts in response to a prompt you create, or they can take the form of a group discussion. You can choose to make your Discussions ungraded or graded. 

Canvas Instructor Guide: Discussions • Discussions Video Tutorial

Discussion Types
  • Focused Discussion: Use a focused discussion for single posts and related comments. One discussion leader typically posts a message and multiple learners comment on it.
  • Threaded Discussion: This type of discussion allows participants to respond to a post and create a thread of replies. Threaded discussions include infinite layers of response nesting, allowing commenters to continue responding on a single nested thread. Threaded discussions lend themselves to the refining of complex ideas.
  • Student-Generated Discussions: Students are able to create their own discussions. If you would like to remove this option, open "Discussions" from the course navigation menu at left and click the settings gear (first image below), then unclick the "Create Discussion Topics" box under "Student Settings" in the pop-up modal that will appear on the screen (second image below). 

Canvas discussion settings location

Canvas discussion student settings

Creating a Discussion

To begin, click on "Discussion" in the the course's left side bar. Then on the Discussion's page, click the red "+ Discussion" button in the top right corner. 

Selecting Discussions in the side bar and indicating the +Discussion button

On the new Discussion page, you can enter your prompt. If you look for the word "Options" near the bottom of the page, you'll see check boxes that allow you to allow students to respond to each other in threaded replies, you can require students to post before viewing other responses by checking the appropriate box, and you can check a box to set a Discussion as graded or ungraded. 

Create a discussion in Canvas

Because I want this to be a graded discussion, I checked the "Graded" box in this options section, which brings up more fields like "Points Possible," a drop down menu for the groups you want to assign the discussion to, and information to fill out about when the Discussion assignment is due. 

Checking graded box for discussions

Be sure to save and publish your Discussion! 


Canvas Instructor Guide: Rubrics • Canvas Rubrics Overview Video

Rubrics in Canvas are a feature that allows instructors to create a set of criteria for evaluating student work and assigning grades. Rubrics provide a clear and transparent framework for grading assignments, making it easier for instructors to provide feedback and for students to understand what is expected of them.


To create a rubric in Canvas, instructors can navigate to the Assignments tool and select the assignment they want to create a rubric for. They can then select the "View Rubric" option and create a new rubric, or edit an existing one.


Rubrics in Canvas can be based on a variety of criteria, such as content, organization, grammar, and citation. Instructors can also customize the criteria to align with specific learning objectives and course outcomes.


Once a rubric is created, instructors can use it to evaluate student work by selecting the appropriate rubric when grading an assignment. The rubric provides a clear set of expectations and criteria for each level of achievement, which allows instructors to assign grades more accurately and provide more effective feedback to students.


Rubrics can also be added to discussions and Quizzes.

Demonstration of Rubrics

Here is a sample rubric in editing mode.

Sample rubric in editing mode

To add a rubric to an assignment, open the assignment and click the "+ Rubric" button at the bottom of the assignment's page.

Add rubric to an assignment

This will open a pop-up with any rubrics you have created. Select the rubric you want to apply to the assignment, then click the "Use This Rubric" button at the bottom of the pop-up.

Selecting a rubric from modal

Here is what a sample assignment with a rubric looks like.

Sample assignment with rubric

Using .csv Files to Create Assignments in the Gradebook

If your class involves repeated in-class assignments like workbook page, you may prefer to create assignments through a .csv file. This allows you to bypass creating assignments in Canvas. Instead, you download a spreadsheet, open it with a program like Excel or Google Sheets, and create columns for assignments. You would then track the grades in your spreadsheet. After each assignment, you are able to save your spreadsheet as a .csv file and re-upload it to Canvas, thus keeping your grades up-to-date for your students. You can use Canvas-created and .csv-created assignments with each other in the same course. 

Videos demonstrating the process can be found below the written directions.

To create the initial .csv file, navigate to the course gradebook. It does not matter if you have already created assignments in Canvas or not. Click on the "Export" button at the top right corner of the page, and select "Export Entire Gradebook."

Exporting the gradebook csv file

Canvas will create a .csv file that downloads to your computer. Open the file, which should look something like the image below (shown in Excel). 

Sample gradebook csv file open in Excel

Add columns for your desired assignments following the directions on this Canvas help page. Then import the file back into Canvas. Your new assignments should appear in the gradebook!

Creating Video Quizzes Using Kaltura

Kaltura gives you the ability to create quizzes by embedding questions within a video. As a student watches the video, it will pause and provide a question that they must answer before they move on (you may have experienced this format in video trainings you have done). 

You have the option to upload a video that you want to embed questions in, or to create video using the Kaltura recording tools in My Media. 

Note: Even though you are creating a quiz, you will create an Assignment in Canvas.

Directions are available below in both video and written format.


Step 1. Creating a Quiz

You can create a quiz from your My Media folder, or by following these steps as you create a Canvas assignment. I will demonstrate the process by creating a quiz from the My Media folder, then embedding it in a Canvas Assignment.

First, create a video in My Media or upload a video to your My Media folder. 

Locating My Media

Open My Media and click the "Add New" button in the top right corner of the page, then select "Video Quiz" from the dropdown menu.

Creating a new video quiz

Select a video from your My Media collection. This will open a video editing window. Select a timestamp where you want to add a question, then click the blue "+ Add a Question" button on the video screen. You will be given several different types of questions to choose. 

Embedding a question

Note: if you create a True/False question be sure that the green check appears next to the correct answer.

Sample embedded true/false question

Once you have finished adding questions. Click the blue "Done" button at the top right of the screen. If you want to edit questions or add more, click the blue "Edit Quiz" button that appears at the top of the quiz page. 

Locating the edit options in a video quiz

The edit page gives you several different settings that cam be adjusted in terms of details, scoring, and experience (allowing the viewer to change or skip answers).

Editing Kaltura quiz settings

You will be able to view and edit your Kaltura quizzes anytime by navigating to your My Media folder.

Step 2. Creating a Quiz Assignment in a Course

First, navigate to the course where you want to use your Kaltura Quiz. 

Next, create an Assignment by clicking on the Assignments tab or by creating an Assignment within a module. 

Note: You are going to create a Canvas Assignment, NOT a Quiz!

Type any directions you want to include on the Assignments page in the rich content editor box. Adjust the "points," "Assignment Group," and "Display Grade as" fields according to your preferences. For Submission Type, select "External Tool" from the dropdown menu.

Click the "Find" button and select "In Video Quiz Kaltura" from the menu. 

Selecting the external tool

The next screen will allow you to select your pre-made quiz, or create a new Kaltura quiz (follow the steps from step 1 if you want to create a Kaltura quiz from scratch).

Using the external tool

Set your "Submission Attempts" field, Assignment group, due date, availability date range, and click the red "Save" button at the bottom of the page. 

The student view of your quiz will show an embedded video on the Assignment page, along the lines of the screenshot below. 

Student view of the quiz in the assignment page

Kaltura automatically creates a column in the gradebook, and should grade the assignment for you. You can adjust the grade either by going into SpeedGrader or the gradebook.

New entry created in Canvas gradebook

Tech support: For technical assistance, start a ticket with WITS 

Brainstorming: For ideas on how to use tools in your course, contact the DLS

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