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Canvas Tutorials

Canvas tutorials for instructors

Getting Started in Canvas

Canvas has a lot of great tools to help you build courses that are accessible to students and encourage organization. Once you have a course built, it's very easy to copy it as a template to reuse or modify in future semesters. 

The documents below will give you a general overview of Canvas's structure.

Canvas has tutorials available in the instructor guide on their website for any questions not answered in Willamette's tutorials. 

Canvas has also made video tutorials for many of these topics. 



First Steps

Basic Introduction to How Canvas Works

Canvas Overview Video

Student Enrollment

Students will be added to your class automatically based on SAGE rosters two weeks before the term starts. SAGE and Canvas will auto-sync daily, so if a student adds or drops your class, your roster will be updated.

Course Navigation

The course navigation menu is located on the left side of every course page. It allows you to access all the course components, such as assignments, discussions, and files.


Global Navigation

The global navigation menu is located along the left of every page in Canvas. It allows you to access your account settings, notifications, and all the courses you are teaching.



The dashboard is the first thing you see when you log in to Canvas. It provides an overview of all your current courses as well as a to-do list and calendar.


Course Cards

Course cards are the visual representation of each course you are teaching. They appear on your dashboard and provide quick access to the course home page.


Managing the Dashboard

You can customize your dashboard by rearranging the course cards, hiding or showing certain courses.


To-Do List

The to-do list displays all the upcoming assignments, quizzes, and other course activities that require your attention.



The calendar displays all your course events, including due dates, assignments, and other course-related activities.


Appointment Scheduler

The appointment scheduler allows you to create appointment slots and students can sign up.



The inbox tool in Canvas allows you to send and receive messages with your students.


Rich Content Editor

The RCE displays a menubar, a toolbar, and a content field. Add your content, including text, images, links, and other content in the content field. You can use the menubar and toolbar options to add, edit, and format content. You will find the RCE in the following Canvas features: announcements, assignments, discussions, pages, quizzes, and syllabus.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Canvas courses, assignments, modules, discussions, pages, and quizzes all require publishing in Canvas. Make sure to click the "Publish" button. Students will not be able to see items that have not been published.


Saving Work

A commonly missed step in creation of items in Canvas is to click the "Save" button. Always click the Save button when creating or editing in Canvas.

Technical Support

To begin, log in to MyWillamette and select Canvas from the menu bar at the top of the page. 

The Canvas button on MyWillamette

When you first open Canvas, you will see a grid for your various courses. These will be categorized in various ways, like Published Courses and Unpublished Courses. Click on the course that you want to set up. 

Canvas landing page

You can set the home page of your course to any of your pages (this is covered in another tab of this tutorial). I currently have the syllabus set as the home page for the test course. You can begin building your course by selecting any page from the left side menu. I will begin with the syllabus.

To begin editing any page, navigate to it and click the "Edit" button at the top of the page.

Canvas syllabus page

Now that you have clicked "Edit," you will be taken to a page where you can create or edit content. 

Paste or type the material you want to appear in the text box provided. There are styling tools available, and you can insert links, images, media, tables, and so on. We will cover those options in more depth in other tutorials. 

Screenshot showing how to edit a syllabus in Canvas

For my syllabus, I wanted to include a downloadable version of the syllabus for students, and I wanted to add an image to create an interesting landing page when students first accessed the class. 

I had previously uploaded my file and image, so I clicked on the "Insert" dropdown menu and selected the appropriate category. The "Image," "Media," and "Document" options ultimately route you into the same system, so for if some reason one selection doesn't work, you will still be able to look for your file within the side menu that opens.

Selecting the Insert dropdown menu on Canvas

The "Insert" dropdown opens a side screen selection system called "Add" on the right of your screen. I looked for the image and file that I wanted to find. In this case, I had saved both files in my "Course Files" folder on Canvas, so I was able to find them by selecting "Course Files" in the top field and "Images" in the dropdown below that. 

I will show you how to upload and find files in Canvas in another tab in this tutorial.

Searching for a file in the Add sidebar on Canvas

To save new content or save an edit on any Canvas page, look for the red button below the text box. Because this sample is a syllabus, the button says "Update Syllabus." Other pages will have a button that says something like "Save." It will be located in the same place on the screen. 

Clicking the Update Syllabus or Save button

If you would prefer a different page for your course home page, you can change it at any time. Select the "Choose Home Page" button from the menu at the right of the screen.

Selecting the Choose Home Page button in a course

This opens a pop up with a list of page that you can choose from. Select the new home page that you want to set and click the "Save" button.

Pop up allowing selection of a course home page

To upload files specific to one course, look for the "Files" tab in the left side menu (circled in red). Once you click this, you will see a list of folders and files in the course. To upload a file, look for the red "Upload" button at the top right of the page (circled in purple). You can create folders to organize your materials using the "+ Folder" beside the "Upload" button.

Navigating to and uploading files within a Canvas course

If you want a file to be available in many courses, you can also save it to your personal files in Canvas. Regardless of where you upload a file, you can always copy it into your personal files or another course. 

To access your personal files, click on the "Account" button with your profile picture at the far left, then select "Files" from the pop out menu. 

Navigating to personal files in Canvas

Now you have a list of files and folders available to you at the global level in Canvas. If you want to download, rename, move, delete, or share a file to Canvas Commons, hover over the file and click the three dots. This opens a drop down menu with possible actions. You can copy files to different classes using this method. 

Actions available with files

Once you have enough of your course built out that it would be useful to students, be sure to publish it! Look for the "Course Status" indicator at the top right of your home page. When a course is published, the "Published" button will display a check mark and be highlighted in green. You can change this status at any time, but once the semester has started it is best not to unpublish a course, because students will not be able to access it. 

Selecting the Unpublish or Publish buttons

Your course does not need to be fully built in order to be published! Each page in Canvas can be individually set to published or unpublished, and you can add to a course after it has been published. 

Visible and Invisible / Active and Inactive Items

Depending on how you use your course, you may want to hide or reveals sections like Assignments, Quizzes, Files, Pages, Media Gallery, and People. Items from these categories that have been published and placed in modules remain accessible to students. Some instructors prefer to hide these menu items because they create assignments, quizzes, pages, or upload files that they may or may not want to use, and therefore would prefer that students not have access to them. 

Tools like Zoom, Perusall may or may not be active in your course when it is first built. To use these tools, you must enable them. 

The process of making items visible to students and enabling tools is the same.

First, Click on "Settings" in the course menu. 

Indication of the Settings option in the course menu

On the Settings page, select the Navigation tab at the top of the page circled in blue). This will bring up two lists (indicated in yellow). The top list show items, pages, and tools that are active in your course. You can rearrange the items in this list by clicking and dragging on items. The order of the list controls the order of the items in the course side menu at left. 

If an item appears in the lower list (indicated in yellow at the bottom of the page) it is currently inactive. To activate an item from this list, drag it up to the upper list (active tools) and arrange it in your desired order. Once you have all items in your desired order, CLICK THE SAVE BUTTON at the bottom of the page (circled in blue)!

Highlighting sections of the course navigation page in course settings

Changing Contrast for Visibility in the Canvas Interface

The WU default contrast setting for Canvas may make some aspects (like the My Media tab) difficult to see (circled below). You have the option to change the default contrast setting for higher visibility.

Example of default contrast

To change your contrast setting, click on "Account" in the universal Canvas menu at left. In the pop-out menu that appears, toggle the switch at the bottom to "Use High Contrast UI," then reload the page.

Locating the option to switch to high contrast

Your default Canvas view will have changed to a high contrast setting. This setting will remain selected unless you switch back to the default view, you will NOT need to do this each time you sign into Canvas.

Example of high contrast

Duplicating Materials

You can duplicate all materials in Canvas, including modules. You an save yourself time by creating a basic module that acts as a template, duplicating it, and then editing the materials inside each module as needed.

Duplicating Materials
  1. Navigate to one of the pages that shows you a list of materials (Modules, Pages, Discussions, Assignments, Quizzes).
  2. Click on the three dots at the right in the title bar of the item you want to duplicate. 
  3. Select "Duplicate" from the drop down menu.
  4. Rename and modify your new item.

Duplicating Modules

This allows you to create a basic module that you can reuse throughout your course. For example, you may want to create a module for each class period or week. You an save yourself time by creating a basic module that acts as a template, duplicating it, and then editing the materials inside each module as needed. The duplication process creates a copy of almost everything in the module (pages, assignments, etc) – Classic Quizzes are the exception, and modules that contain Classic Quizzes can NOT be duplicated.

NOTE: Modules that contain quizzes can NOT be duplicated. I recommend creating duplicates of your modules, then adding quizzes in afterwards. 

To duplicate a module:

  1. Click on the three dots at the right in the module bar.
  2. Select "Duplicate" from the drop down menu. This will create a duplicate of everything in your module.
  3. Rename your module.
  4. Modify or delete the materials in your new module, or add materials to the new module.

Start of the Term Checklist

Why can't my students see my course in Canvas?
  • Not Created? Be sure to create your courses in Canvas early so students can prepare for the semester!
  • Is everything published? Check the Student View to ensure your content is visible to students.
    • Verify links and assignment dates are correct. If you've copied a previous course, these and other items may no longer be accurate.
    • Want to hide some content until a later date? Check out more on locked modules: How do I lock a module?
Course Content


Additional Resources

Tech support: For technical assistance, start a ticket with WITS 

Brainstorming: For ideas on how to use tools in your course, contact the DLS

Willamette University

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