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IDS 101: At Land, At Sea - Home and Away in Ancient Greece: Getting Started

Photograph of the Temple of Poseidon at sunset

Photograph of the Temple of Poseidon at sunset with dramatic streaks of yellow, orange and red clouds.

At Land, At Sea: Home and Away in Ancient Greece

We live together through stories. Narratives inspire, guide, entertain, hold us in relationships and liberate us from our worst fears. The best stories help us explore the tensions that define our world: restlessness and rootedness; stability and motion; host and guest; mortal and divine; natural and mystical; the eternal and the ephemeral; wild and nurtured; home and away. In this colloquium, we will explore these and other themes through a deep and careful reading of Madeline Miller’s Circe and Homer’s The Odyssey. Students will be asked to write (and rewrite), create, observe, discover, present, and share their ideas. There will be two sections of this colloquium: one taught by Scott Pike (Professor of Environmental Science and Archaeology) and one taught by David Gutterman (Professor of Politics, Policy, Law & Ethics). These sections will often meet together to enrich the exploration of these texts, benefitting from different perspectives of these works and the ways they open up paths to understanding the ancient world and our own.

                                Course taught by: David Gutterman.                                                        Colloquium Associate: Amanda Padgett.

                                Course taught by: Scott Pike.                                                                    Colloquium Associate: Adelaide Kemp.

Authoritative Reference Sources vs Wikipedia

Wikipedia is a great resource for getting general info about something, but because anyone can contribute or change its content, it is sometimes considered unreliable.  It is a good place to start your research, but it is best to double check what you find against other sources.  

Consider consulting the library's print or electronic encyclopedias, dictionaries, or other reference books to backup the basic information of your paper.  Reference books can provide a general overview of a topic and help identify synonyms, related terms, or basic data; these sources often include references and lists of further readings.  Additionally, these resources have typically gone through an editorial process to check for accuracy.  To the right and below are some resources that may be of use.

Online Collection of Reference Resources

Reference E-books

Reference Print Books

Below are key reference books that provide a general overview of a topic or help identify synonyms, related terms, or basic data. These sources often include references and lists of further readings.

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