1455 edition of the Gutenberg Bible, printed in Mainz, Germany. This is the first copy brought to the United States and is owned by the New York Public Library. (Photograph by Doreen Simonsen)
A great online exhibit in the series Treasures in Full from the British Library
Examine every page of rare historic works; compare different editions side-by-side; choose standard or magnified view; read supporting material by our curators and other experts
Printed by Johannes Moratus, 1599 Antwerp. Contains the Decree of the Council of Trent.
Donated in 1875 by Dr. Charles H.Hall, Professor of Pathology and General Practice at Salem Medical School, (Willamette University) 1871-1878.
A short video about the famous printing house where Willamette's Vulgate Bible is printed. This is the only museum that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.