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ENGL 213: Finding the Story: Library Catalogs

What are Library Catalogs?

A library catalog is a database containing a record for each item the library owns.  Database With File DrawerThis includes all the books in the library, as well as videos, journal subscription records, sound recordings, e-books, links to selected web pages, etc. Catalogs are usually for a single library or institution, but they can also be for a consortium. At Willamette, we offer the ability to search all three kinds. 

  • Local catalogs:

    cover just what items are available locally.

  • Regional catalogs:

    encompass the holdings of several institutional libraries within a given proximity of each other, like our WU / Summit catalog.

  • Global catalogs:

    incorporate the holdings of libraries from multiple nations.  OCLC's WorldCat is a great example of a global catalog.

Library Home Page ( )

Getting Citations from the WU / Summit Catalog

Signing in to your Account and Saving Your Searches


Getting Citations & Ordering Materials in the WorldCat Discovery Catalog

Searching the Catalog

Searching the Catalog

Learn how to use the catalog to search for books, articles, videos, and more through Summit, our regional lending system, and locally from Willamette. Additional info is available on the Library Catalogs page.

WU Libraries Catalogs

Find Books, Movies and More


see also: Advanced Search        Worldcat Discovery

Look at the Subject Links in a Catalog Record to Find More Resources

Getting Books from the Pacific Northwest College of Art

Getting Books from Summit and Interlibrary Loan


Willamette University

Willamette University Libraries

Mark O. Hatfield Library
900 State Street.
Salem Oregon 97301
Pacific Northwest College of Art Library
511 NW Broadway.
Portland Oregon 97209