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IDS 101: In Search of Life

Academic Search Complete is an interdisciplinary databases that provides full text access to 8,500+ academic journals in the sciences, social sciences, humanities, education, and multi-cultural journals. It also indexes nearly 12,500 peer-reviewed journals.

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The Philosopher's Index covers scholarly research in the fifteen main fields of philosophy: aesthetics, axiology, philosophy of education, epistemology, ethics, philosophy of history, philosophy of language, logic, metaphysics, philosophical anthropology, metaphilosophy, political philosophy, philosophy of science, social philosophy, and the philosophy of religion. Over 620 journals from 43 countries are included.

Philosopher's Index
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JSTOR is a high-quality, interdisciplinary archive of over 1,000 leading academic journals across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Search term highlighting, includes high-quality images. Current editions of journals are excluded due to embargos.

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Try These Philosophers

  • Plato - Cavic Existence; Truth; Virtue; Self- Knowledge; Ideal Forms
  • Aristotle - Eudaimonia; Happiness; Golden Mean
  • Rene Descartes - I think, therefore I am; Mind-Body Dualism; Innate Idea; Methodic Doubt; Mechanistic View of the Physical World
  • Immanuel Kant - Critique of Pure Reason; Critique of Judgement; Categorical Imperative; Transcendental Idealism; Moral Philosophy; Aesthetics & Sublime
  • John Haldane - Life by practical wisdom and moral virtues
  • Erwin Schrödinger - Nature of Reality; Relationships of physics and biology; molecular biology & genetics. Schrodinger's cat.
  • Richard Dawkins - Gene-Centered view of evolution; Advocate for science & reasoning
  • Carl Sagan - Scientific Skepticism; Humanism (caring for planet and others), Pursuit of Knowledge/Cosmic Perspective
  • Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence - This is a branch of the philosophy of the mind and of computer science that explores artificial intelligence, ethics, consciousness, epistemology (nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge), and free will.
Willamette University

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