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IDS 101: You're on What Diet

example database tools location

Look on the left and right of your results for "advanced search" options to help limit or broaden results. Common options include:

  • Subject: Official "hashtags" that group items together. These are often linked to similar articles.
  • Date Range: Published results to specific years.
  • Peer Reviewed: Limit results to scholarly journal articles.
  • Full Text: Items immediately available to read in full.


Don't forget to evaluate our source. Ask:

  • Who: ...wrote it? Are they an expert?
  • What: the purpose of this resource?
  • Where: ...was this information published? ...does the information come from?
  • When: ...was this published or last updated?
  • Why: this resource useful? this resource better than others? it biased?

Use the operator AND to narrow your search to sources that mention both terms.

American Colonialism AND Racism

This will yield fewer results than using either term on its own.



Use the OR operator to expand your search with additional terms.

Race OR Ethnicity

This will yield more results than searching for just one term on its own.

Search terms entered into a database: ("racial discrimination") AND "education level"

Use “QUOTES” strategy to search for a phrase.

"Racial Discrimination"


Results will match the exact phrase. 

Willamette University

Willamette University Libraries

Mark O. Hatfield Library
900 State Street.
Salem Oregon 97301
Pacific Northwest College of Art Library
511 NW Broadway.
Portland Oregon 97209