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IDS 101: Chemicals and Society

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Try These Search Terms

  • Keywords
    History of chemistry, molecules, compounds, spices, textile fibers, dyes, explosives, ascorbic acid, glucose, cellulose, nitro compound and military, morphine and medicine, nicotine and cancer, opioid addiction, caffeine and addiction, nylon and silk, isoprene, salt, carbon compounds, malaria, aspirin, urea, camphor, morphine, strychnine, penicillin, vitamin B12, Taxol, Brevetoxin and quinine
  • People
    H. Brand 1699 (Phosphorus-first "modern" element discovered since ancient times), H. Cavendish 1766 (hydrogen), W. Scheele 1771 (oxygen), D. Rutherfold 1772 (nitrogen), H. Klaproth 1789 (uranium), H. Davy 1808 (silicon),
  • Locations
    Middle East (discovery of copper), Egypt (lead & iron)
Willamette University

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