Try the following words & phrases:
This truncates your search. It looks for anything with the root "ethnob"
Medicinal plant
Indigenous medicine
Indigenous knowledge
Traditional medicine
Medicinal properties
Alternative medicine
Natural medicine
Biochemical medicine
Indigenous peoples
Herbal medicines
Plant extracts
Try names of researchers:
(See list)
Academic Search Complete provides full text for more than 8,500 academic, social sciences, humanities, general science, education and multi-cultural journals. It offers indexing and abstracts for nearly 12,500 journals. Over 7,300 of the full text journals are peer reviewed.
Agricola indexes agricultural information from government publications, scholarly journals, books, gray literature and more. It is useful for forestry, wildlife management, and other applications of the biological sciences.
Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. Be sure your Google Scholar preferences include Willamette University as your library (under library links) to access Willamette-licensed content. For more customization & info visit our Google Scholar page.
Use the following databases to find articles pertaining to ethnobotanical research.
Databases are how articles are indexed; indexes primarily tell you that articles exist opposed to providing the full-text of articles. These databases cover literature that is related to this subject area. The full list of WU database is available by alphabetic list or subject. There are also guides available to walk you through how to find materials.