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ENGL 137W: Writing for Academic Audiences: Shortcuts when searching ACADEMIC SEARCH COMPLETE for ENGL 137

SHORTCUTS: Finding articles on 3 specific topics for ENGL 137

Academic Search Complete (database requires WU login)

Of the 230+ databases that the Hatfield Library subscribes to, Academic Search Complete offers the broadest coverage for most undergraduate research situations and therefore is also the first journal oriented database for students to turn to, for almost any CAS related topic.  However, the ASC database provides only low level coverage of Economics and Business.  If you want to search your topic from those subject oriented perspectives, then you need to switch over to the Business Source Complete database.


("social media" or facebook* or twitter* or tweet* or instagram* or (tik tok) or snapchat* or tumblr or or discord or wechat or meetup or telegram or pinterest or facetime or substack or patreon or flickr or reddit)
(impact* or effect* or conseque* or problem* or suicid* or bully* or cyberbull* or victim* or anxi* or stress* or "mental health" or (mental* ill*) or fatal* or death or dead or dying)
(child or children or youth* or teen* or adolesce* or kid or boys or girls or youngster or minor)
(policy or controvers* or debat* or insight* or recommend*)


(opioid or opiate or fentanyl or oxycodone or oxycontin* or heroin or morphine or cocaine or coke or crack or narcotic or overdos*)
(impact* or crisis or catastroph* or epidem* or tragic* or tragedy or fatal* or death or dead or dying or abus* or misus*)
(state or county or city or urban or rural or town or village or municipal* or metro or metropolitan or nation* or region*)
(policy or controvers* or debat* or insight* or recommend*)
(solar or photovolt*)
(green or greener or greening or clean* or renew* or sustain*)
(viab* or effectiv* or assess* or benefi* or harm* or SWOT or reliab* or afford* or drawback or night or nighttime or evening)
(policy or controvers* or debat* or insight* or recommend*)
Each of these items should be searched exactly as shown here INCLUDING the "parentheses"!


Once you get your initial results from one of those clickable shortcuts, you can modify the results by looking at the options shown down the lett hand column of the results.

Academic Search Complete offers full text links in either PDF or HTML formats for about half of all journal & magazine articles identified within this database.  In addition to what this database can directly provide, Willamette University has embedded links that will tell you if Hatfield Library can provide access to an article through our contracts covering over 30,000 journal titles, independent of what ASC can provide.  And if Hatfield Library does not have the article in print, online, or in microfilm, we will offer you the option to fill out an Inter Library Loan form.  Typically, about 80% of ILL requests for journal & magazine articles are usually delivered, via email, in about 5 business days.

Gary Klein (Reference Librarian)

Profile Photo
Gary Klein
he / him / his
Mark O. Hatfield Library
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem, OR 97301
Willamette University

Willamette University Libraries

Mark O. Hatfield Library
900 State Street.
Salem Oregon 97301
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Portland Oregon 97209