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Electronic Resources: Troubleshooting: Article is Not Available Online

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Article is Not Available Online

In some cases, our online journal subscriptions do not provide access to specific articles. This issue is often due to the online subscription only covering a specific date range for the journal (e.g. 1992 to present).

In this situation you can request the article through Interlibrary Loan.

Request Article from Interlibrary Loan

If there is no print or online record of the journal in our catalog, you may request the article through our Interlibrary Loan Services.

You can access Interlibrary Loan Services through our library homepage at

Click the "Interlibrary Loan" link at the bottom of the page.

Then, click on "Connect to your Interlibrary Loan Account"

Log in using your WUID and password. Enter the required information for the article and submit the request. ILS requests for articles are usually filled within 48 business hours (depending on availability).

"Scan" from Print Journal Collection

If an electronic resource is not available for the item you want, you can request a scan of print resources.

Go to our library homepage at and click on the  "Everything" option and change it to "WU Libraries".

main library web page

Search the title of the journal and click the journal title or availability text.

journal search

On the resulting publication information page, scroll to the Links section and click "Scan on Demand."

scan on demand example

Log in using your WU ID and password. Enter the required information for the article and submit the request. You should receive a scan of the article within 1 to 3 days.

Systems Librarian

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Bill Kelm
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Mark O. Hatfield Library
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem, OR 97301
Subjects: Research Tools, Zotero


These guides were adopted from similar guides created at the UT Libraries of Texas with their permission.

Willamette University

Willamette University Libraries

Mark O. Hatfield Library
900 State Street.
Salem Oregon 97301
Pacific Northwest College of Art Library
511 NW Broadway.
Portland Oregon 97209