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SOC 382: Human Rights: Research and Advocacy: Journals

What Does "Peer-Reviewed" or "Refereed" Mean?

Referee JerseyPeer-reviewed research has gone through a refereeing process (like a sports referee).  Through the peer-review process, a scholarly work is checked by a group of experts in the same field to make sure it meets the professional standards before it is published.  It is largely used with scholarly research (also called academic) journals to help ensure that published articles represent the best scholarship that is currently available. 

Publications that do not use peer-review, such as Time, Discover, Newsweek, and U.S. News, rely on the judgment of the editors as to whether an article is quality material or not. These articles are not considered scholarly and they have not been through the rigorous review process. 

Journal Finder

Journals in the Hatfield Library collection


Enter a journal title in the search box or browse the journals by categories.

Examples of Pertinent Journals

  • American journal of sociology
  • American sociological review
  • Canadian journal of sociology
  • City & society
  • Contemporary sociology
  • Crime & delinquency
  • Critical sociology
  • Decolonization
  • Demography
  • Gender & society
  • Human rights review
  • International social science journal
  • Journal of contemporary ethnography
  • Journal of development studies
  • Journal of family issues
  • Journal of health & social behavior
  • Journal of homosexuality
  • Journal of human rights
  • Journal of international & global studies
  • Journal of marriage & the family
  • Journal of popular culture
  • Journal of social issues
  • Journal of world-systems research
  • Omega: journal of death & dying
  • Qualitative sociology
  • Rural sociology
  • Sex roles
  • Signs: journal of women in culture and society
  • Social forces
  • Social problems
  • Social science & medicine
  • Social science research
  • Sociological perspectives
  • Sociology of education 
  • Sociology of sport journal
  • Youth & society
Willamette University

Willamette University Libraries

Mark O. Hatfield Library
900 State Street.
Salem Oregon 97301
Pacific Northwest College of Art Library
511 NW Broadway.
Portland Oregon 97209