Opposing Viewpoints in Context is a very helpful database for identifying topics from current social issues & controversies. Features full text articles from a variety of different types of sources: magazines, academic journals, and newspapers, primary source documents, statistics, images, government documents, videos, podcasts, and links to websites.
The results of this database are meant to be representative of differing perspectives & opinions, but this database does not try to be comprehensive in scope! It offers access to a wide variety of resource across the spectrum of opinions, without telling you which side of a debate that each document is supporting. Incorporates a mixture of objective & subjective sources on most topics covered.
There are 3 different ways to start searching the Opposing Viewpoints database:
a): Using the white search box (found near the top center of the screen)
b): Using the major categories of topics (found in the center of the screen, just below the photo)
c): Using the "browse issue" options (found in the upper left side, within the horizontal black bar)