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MUSC 462: History and Literature of Art Song: Reference Materials


Some general parameters for your final project:

1. Independent definition of your topic.

2. Independent research.

3. A topic that includes substantive analysis of text and music. You will likely limit yourself to a small number of musical settings (2 – 3), though particular topics may merit surveying a greater number.

4. “Outside research” that bears directly on your textual interpretation i.e. is not simply “background” information. (You won’t score any points for having a large bibliography that you don’t put to use in your paper.)

5. Annotated poems and musical scores.

6. May involve meeting with a language professor to discuss elements of the poetic form and/or meaning.

7. May involve comparison of 2 -3 recordings.

8. A formal paper 8-10 pages in length (no more, no less).

Online Reference Books

Print Reference Books

Below are key reference books that provide a general overview of a topic or help identify synonyms, related terms, or basic data. These sources often include references and lists of further readings.

Humanities and Fine Arts Librarian

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Doreen Simonsen
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Salem, OR 97301

German & French Dictionaries

Willamette University

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Mark O. Hatfield Library
900 State Street.
Salem Oregon 97301
Pacific Northwest College of Art Library
511 NW Broadway.
Portland Oregon 97209