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EXHS 495-496: Senior Seminar

Centers for Disease Control

CDC LogoCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

(Image source:

This key government center should be your starting place for disease control & prevention. Common issues covered by this agency include:

Disease & conditions (ADHD, birth defects, cancer, diabetes, fetal alcohol syndrome, flu, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, STDs...)

Emergency preparedness and response (bioterrorism, chemical & radiation emergencies, severe weather...)

Environmental health (pollution, carbon dioxide, lead, mold, water quality, climate change)

Life stages & population (infant & child, men, minorities, pregnancy, seniors, women...)

Healthy living (food safety, bone health, physical activity, immunization, genetics, smoking...)

Injury & violence (brain injury, child abuse, falls, fires, poisoning, suicide, youth violence...)

Traveler's health (destinations, outbreaks, travel vaccines, yellow book...)

Workplace safety (asbestos, chemical safety, construction, mining, office environments, respirators...)


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