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LATIN 231: Latin Prose: Classical Rare Books in Latin

Historia naturalis (C. Plinii Secundi) (1526)

Pliny, , Ermolao Barbaro, Jean Petit, and Nicolas Savetier. C. Plinii Secvndi Opvs Divinvm, Cvi Titvlvs Historia Naturalis: Multoqua[m] Antehac Vnqua[m] Prodijt in Luce[m] Castigatius, Vna Cu[m] Annotationibus Hermolai Barbari, Ac Sincero Exemplari Eruditoru[m] Hominu[m], Ex Quo Nonnulla Etia[m] Marginibus Adscripta Sunt. Adiectus Est Ad Maiorem Bon[a]e Indolis Vtilitatem Index Notis Arithmeticis Illustratus, Nunc Exactior Multo Atq[ue] Locupletior Quam Antea, Quo Plinius Ipse Politus Citra Lassitudinem, & Intelligi Queat & Teneri. Parisiis: V[a]eneunt a Joanne Petit, in via Iacobea, sub Lilio Aureo, 1526.

A copy of this version is available online.  (start on page 699)

Read about the book here

Pliny's Natural History in English (From Perseus Digital Library)

Ermolao Barbaro

Andreae Tiraquelli regii in Curia Parisiensi senatoris Tractatus varii (1567)

C. Julij Caesaris De bello Gallico (1574)

Livy's The Romane History (1600)

LIVY. The Romane Historie Written by T. Livius of Padua. Also, the Breviaries of L. Florus: with a Chronologie to the whole Historie: and the Topographie of Rome in old time. Translated out of Latine into English, by Philemon Holland, Doctor in Physicke. London, Printed by Adam Islip, 1600.

A source for Coriolanus. See pages 36 and 55.

Hugo Grotius (1646)

Read more about this work here.

Strabo's Geography (1707)

The Geography of Strabo is the only surviving work of its type in Greek literature, and the major source for the history of Greek scholarship on geography and the formative processes of the earth.

Read online at Hathi Trust   (Volume 1, page 451) (online page 490 or 499)

Read about the book here

Strabo Geography in English  (From Perseus Digital Library)

Cimbrians and Teutons video (minute 38:20)

The First Barbarian War, in Rome (Video about Roman battles with Cimbrians)

William Camden (1691)

Manual of Classical Literature (1836)

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