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How to Find Speeches: Newspapers & Transcripts from TV or Radio

Looking for artifacts or other articles in current Newspapers & other news sources

Here is an example of a search strategy looking for articles about President Trump's inaugural speech.

You could COPY & PASTE this strategy into the search box for any of the following newspaper oriented databases:

trump and president* and inaugur* and (address* or speech or speak* or official*)


  • Access World News (2,200 newspapers in North America + 1,200 other countries + 300 wire services + 200 broadcast news transcripts) 
  • Canadian NewsStream (coverage of 360+ news sources across Canada) 
  • Gale OneFile | News (over 1,000 newspapers including Christian Science Monitor, and the San Francisco Chronicle) 
  • International NewsStream (coverage of 1,300 newspapers outside of North America) 
  • Newspaper Source (includes transcripts from news programs on NPR, CBS, ABC, FOX, and CNN) 
  • The New York Times (covers 1980 to the present) 
  • The New York Times Historical (covers 1851 to 2010)
  • The Oregonian (daily coverage of Portland, OR and its metropolitan region) 
  • Statesman Journal (daily coverage of Salem, OR and its metropolitan region)
  • U.S. NewsStream (coverage of over 1,000 newspapers across the United States, including the Gannett group and major newspapers in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City and Washington DC) 
  • Wall Street Journal (covers 1984 to the present of the largest business oriented newspaper in the US)

Gary Klein (Reference Librarian)

Profile Photo
Gary Klein
he / him / his
Mark O. Hatfield Library
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem, OR 97301
Willamette University

Willamette University Libraries

Mark O. Hatfield Library
900 State Street.
Salem Oregon 97301
Pacific Northwest College of Art Library
511 NW Broadway.
Portland Oregon 97209