This page will assist you in finding resources in Willamette's Archives & Special Collections.
We're here to help! Archives staff is happy to assist you in finding resources; show you how to access collections, and demonstrate how to navigate the digital collections.
Archives staff is available by appointment Monday-Friday, 9-noon and 1-4pm. Email to make an appointment.
The Willamette University Campus Photograph Collection, comprised of over 2,700 photographic prints, negatives, slides, and copy prints of sketches and blueprints, is a rich documentary resource covering nearly a century and a half of Willamette’s history. Willamette's relationship with Asian communities are represented in this collection.
The Willamette Scene (April 1967 - Spring 2014) is part of a larger collection of alumni publications that dates back to 1919 and continues to the present day. All alumni publications are keyword searchable and often have valuable information along side images.
The Willamette Scene, Volume 9, Issue 2, Spring 1992.
WU Catalogs and Bulletins contain valuable information about academic programs and courses offered at Willamette University. There is a plethora of information that describes the origins of the relationship between TUIA and WU.
Search The Collegian for articles on that demonstrate the intersections between Asian culture and Willamette's campus. For over 130 years Willamette students have experienced and reported on local, regional, and national events in the pages of The Collegian. This resource is keyword searchable from 1875 to present. Photographs often accompany articles!
A Finding Aid is a document that describes what you can find in an archival collection. The Finding Aid outlines the kind of information you can find, how big the collection is, the dates covered, and a listing of the materials found in the collection.
The links below will take you to the Finding Aids to specific collections that might be of interest!
Germaine Louise Fuller papers, 1972-1994. The Fuller papers includes teaching materials, photographs, original essays written by Fuller, and information on the Japanese Garden that Fuller designed on the Willamette University campus.
Tokyo International University of America collection, 1973-2016: This collection includes gifts given to Willamette University by Tokyo International University, yearbooks for the American Studies Program, and oral histories and videos related to the relationship between Willamette University, Tokyo International University, and Tokyo International University of America.
Barry Duell Tokyo International University collection, 1975-2015: The materials in this collection focus on the various iterations of the Japanese Studies Program between Willamette University and Tokyo International University and also includes publications by Barry Duell.
Visit the Archives
Mark O. Hatfield Library / Second Floor
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - Noon / 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Contact Stephanie Milne-Lane
Check out the Wallulah to see how students commemorated their years at Willamette.
In 1992, the Japanese Garden was listed as a favorite hiding place for students on campus.