- Website =
- Mission = "The IEA works with governments and industry to shape a secure and sustainable energy future for all".
- Membership = "The IEA is made up of 31 member countries and 8 association countries".
- Areas of work = "Our work spans a variety of programmes and initiatives, helping ensure energy security, tracking clean energy transitions, collecting data, or providing training around the world".
- Resources authored, commissioned or published by the IEA are available for many categories of their research: Countries / Fuels / Technologies / Topics / Programmes / Data sets / Policies.
- Document Title = Global EV Outlook 2021. Subtitle = Accelerating ambitions despite the pandemic. URL =
- Website =
- Mission = "We're here to solve the planet's most pressing problems".
- Values = "Science in the service of people and the planet. Justice and Equity...for people of all races and incomes—now, and for future generations. Courage to take principled, science-based stands in the public arena. Integrity to always examine evidence critically, openly, and honestly. Democracy to promote a voice for all in government decisions. Action inspiring and mobilizing people to build a healthier, safer, and more just world.".
- Areas of work = Climate. Energy. Transportation. Food. Nuclear Weapons. Science & Democracy.
- Resources authored, commissioned or published by the UCUSA from their website are located behind the tab labeled "Reports & Multimedia"
- Document Title = The Electric Cars of the Future Are Already Here Today. November 30, 2022. URL =
- Website =
- Mission = "Our mission is to improve the environmental performance and energy efficiency of road, marine, and air transportation, in order to benefit public health and mitigate climate change".
- About = "The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) is an independent nonprofit organization founded in 2001 to provide first-rate, unbiased research and technical and scientific analysis to environmental regulators. In the last five years alone, we have worked successfully with regulators and lawmakers around the world and have played a significant role in 48 distinct regulations and policies".
- Areas of focus = Decarbonizing transportation. Zero-emission vehicles. Alternative fuels. Electrification. Charging infrastructure. Life-cycle analyses. Fleets. Strategies. Tracking progress.
- Resources authored, commissioned or published by the ICCT from their website are located behind the tab labeled "Insight & Analysis+"
- Document Title = Power play: Evaluating the U.S. position in the global electric vehicle transition. June 2021. URL =