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GSMPR 625: Business magazines & newspapers

Browsing articles from commonly requested business MAGAZINES (not peer reviewed)

Browsing articles from commonly requested business NEWSPAPERS (not peer reivewed)

These newspapers come to the Hatfield Library through 3rd-party database vendors which distribute a reduced subset of articles that were found in the printed editions of each respective newspaper.

One of the major reasons for including these newspaper with nationwide audiences is that they have track records of publishing major opinion essays (often nicknamed "Op-Ed articles) and the full texts of significant speeches that have been focal points of shifts in public sentiment, industry & corporate policies, and triggering significant gatherings of public protest.  Although the journalists working for these national newspapers are supposedly only the reporters of news, these publications typically receive a lot of public attention as "movers & shakers" based on their decisions of which items deserve a national audience, and which items can sit quietly in the limelight of smaller sized regional news outlets.

These access links will never allow you to see such features as crossword puzzles, daily statistical summaries (trading activity for stocks / commodities / debt instruments / foreign exchange rates) nor periodic compilations such as economic indexes / dividend payments / trading volumes / mutual funds / thumbnail look at earnings / lists of firms entering bankruptcy / legal notices.  All of those features are available if you can come inside the Hatfield Library on Salem campus to handle & view the physical copies of those newspapers which the library receives in print.  Many of those routine data tables are also available in online formats, but only if you purchase a personal online subscription directly with that particular newspaper.

  • THE NEW YORK TIMES is not just a local daily newspaper focusing on New York City, as it has over a century long reputation for deep coverage of global news events, and a rather thick daily section dedicated solely to general business, company specific and industry news.  NYT provides primary geographic coverage to firms located within the metropolitan NYC area, with secondary coverage for the entire United States, and to lesser extent, major companies from around the globe.
  • WALL STREET JOURNAL is published 6 days each week covering a lot more news than what happens just along the 8 blocks of sidewalk on "Wall Street" located in New York City.  For over a century, the major focus of WSJ has been all aspects of publicly traded businesses, company specific news and industries across the United States.  Secondary coverage includes private firms in the metropolitan NYC area, global news about major international corporations, the global economy and foreign affairs. WSJ has gradually expanded its coverage of entrepreneurs and small sized businesses that are privately owned.
  • THE WASHINGTON POST is more than just a local daily newspaper focusing on the District of Columbia and the nearby suburbs across Maryland & Virginia. WaPo employs an extensive array of reporters who provide detailed coverage of all branches of the Federal government of the United States, even if an agency is located outside of the nation's capitol beltway.  This in depth coverage includes analysis of lawsuits moving through federal courts, legislative bills that are brewing in Congress, proposed changes to administrative codes, major lobbying efforts, and shifting public policy that is stirring around the White House or on Capitol Hill.

Gary Klein (Reference Librarian)

Profile Photo
Gary Klein
he / him / his
Mark O. Hatfield Library
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem, OR 97301
Willamette University

Willamette University Libraries

Mark O. Hatfield Library
900 State Street.
Salem Oregon 97301
Pacific Northwest College of Art Library
511 NW Broadway.
Portland Oregon 97209