Cultural Capital HaitiCultural Capital Haiti is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting grassroots projects in Haiti which address today’s urgent problems by building upon Haiti’s rich cultural traditions. In place of the failed model of outsiders coming in with "solutions", CCH identifies, vets and funds Haitian-led initiatives which are already working to provide ecologically sustainable livelihoods, to improve the lives of women and girls, and to ensure that all children have access to the necessities of life. CCH runs a lean central nervous system for a growing organism of doers, taking on the burden of financial oversight and legal affairs, so their partners can just concentrate on providing services. PNCA / Willamette faculty member Michael Rogers, who has over five years' experience living and working in Haiti, is one of the co-founders of the organization. He built its website, produced its informational videos, and currently leads outreach as a member of its board of directors.
Willamette Connection: Michael Rodgers, Assistant Professor, PNCA