Business Source Complete (database requires WU login)
Of the 240+ databases that the Hatfield Library subscribes to, Business Source Premier offers the broadest coverage for most business research situations and therefore is also the first journal oriented database for students to turn to, for almost any AGSM related topic.
Here are some clickable shortcuts for commonly used searches of the BSP database:
Please note that some of these special phrases are plural, and others are singular! Each of these items should be searched exactly as shown here INCLUDING the "parentheses"!
Once you get your initial results from one of those clickable shortcuts, you can modify the second row of lines to add in criteria to focus on your area of interest: it can be an Industry, a Company, or a Brand name!
Here is an example of starting with the shortcut for "market share", and adding in a company name:
Instead of sorting through 85,000+ articles on any aspect of "market share", we now have 510 articles about "market share" that also mentions NOKIA, a long term manufacturer of smartphones & cell-phones.
Business Source Premier offers full text links in either PDF or HTML formats for about half of all journal & magazine articles identified within this database. In addition to what this database can directly provide, Willamette University has embedded links that will tell you if Hatfield Library can provide access to an article through our contracts covering over 30,000 journal titles, independent of what BSP can provide. And if Hatfield Library does not have the article in print, online, or in microfilm, we will offer you the option to fill out an Inter Library Loan form. Typically, about 80% of ILL requests for journal & magazine articles are usually delivered, via email, in about 5 business days.