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Economics: Web Resources

Selected Economics Resources from the Web

To create spreadsheets, often times you will need to download data using the CSV format option, then saving it to an interim file via NOTEPAD, and then using EXCEL to open the comma delimited document, before you can re-save the downloaded data into the XLS format.

Bureau of Economic Analysis - an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce
The BEA compiles four major types of statistics: National economic accounts provide a quantitative view of the production, distribution, and use of the Nation's output; one of the most widely known measures is gross domestic product (GDP). BEA also prepares estimates of the Nation's tangible wealth and input-output tables that show how industries interact. Regional economic accounts provide estimates, analyses, and projections of personal income, population, and employment for regions, States, metropolitan areas, and counties. BEA also prepares estimates of gross state product. International economic accounts encompass the international transactions accounts (balance of payments) and the estimates of U.S. direct investment abroad and foreign direct investment in the United States."  Industry economic accounts contain input-out tables, showing how industries interact with the economy, and each other.
Bureau of Labor Statistics (U.S. Department of Labor, DC)
Bureau of Labor Statistics is the arm of the United States Government that compiles some of the most widely followed statistical measures of the American economy. Some of the BLS's most prominent economic indicators that are available from this resource include the CPI: Consumer Price Index, the PPI: Producer Price Index, the National Unemployment rate, the Industry Labor Productivity Index, and International Labor Statistics. This collection of statistical reports is compiled and distributed by the BLS, on their own computers in Washington DC. This user friendly collection includes a variety of help screens for producing customized reports from their time series data files.
Economic Policy Institute - collection of resources (EPI)
Contains US historical economic data and narrative reports focusing on Wage & Compensation trends; Family Earnings trends, the Consumer Price Index; National Employment statistics, and Employment Statistics by Census Divisions.
FRED - Federal Reserve Economic Data  - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
An excellent source for over 26,000 time series financial or macro-economic data, readily downloadable into Excel spreadsheets! Although the name and format appear to be similar to the statistical data provided by the Federal Reserve Board, this compilation provides access to much more detail, and further back in time. Some statistical series in FRED start more than 60 years ago.  The majority of items in FRED are state level statistics, many of which are also available either by County or Metropolitan Statistical Area..
ALFRED - Archival Federal Reserve Economic Data - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
This contains scanned images (in PDF format) of historical economic statistical publications, releases, and documents compiled by the Federal Reserve System / Federal Reserve Board. Some of the items available from FRASER include "All Bank Statistics Report" (1896-1955); "Banking and Monetary Statistics" (1941-1970); "Business Conditions Digest" (1968-1989); "Business Statistics - supplement to the Survey of Current Business" (1932-1965); "Economic Indicators" (1948-2005); "Economic Report of the President" (1950-1995); "Survey of Current Business" (1925-1982); and "Productivity and Costs" (1985-2003).
GEOFRED - Federal Reserve Economic Data  - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
GeoFRED is the newest member of the "FRED" series of data resources offered for free by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.  GeoFRED allows you to create, customize, and share geographical maps of data found in FRED. Easily access the details and adjust how the data are displayed. You can also transform data and download it according to various geographic categories and time frames of your choice.
Federal Reserve Board of Governors - Statistical Releases & Historical Data
Offers a core collection of recently compiled national level statistics on banking & economics, including: Bank assets, Business finance, Foreign exchange rates, Industrial activity, Interest rates, Money stock/supply and Loan delinquencies.
International Economic Statistics Database - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Directory of  sources of statistical information of 100+ countries, and 200+ official government agencies from around the world. Each entry in the IES database includes countries covered, name of the statistics included, the agency that compiles it, the earliest year covered, and the different formats for extracting the data. Each entry also has a URL connecting you to the ultimate online source.  Various filters are offered making it very easy to locate a specific statistic across a list of countries that you want to focus on.

Gary Klein (librarian for Economics)

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Gary Klein
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Mark O. Hatfield Library
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Salem, OR 97301
Willamette University

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